Tarmac, Bitmac and Block Paving – what are the differences?

There are a lot of people who are simply unsure of the best surface to use for their driveway. Tarmac has been a staple of all driveway work for years, as it is the cheapest option. Using the term ‘Tarmac’ is slightly inaccurate as Tarmac is actually the name of the company and tarmacadam is the name of the material used.

When comparing it to the prices of block paving you start to quickly understand why so many of our roads are made from asphalt and bitmac now, because alternatives like block paving costs a lot more per square metre. Secondly block paving also takes a lot more work to lay and also to present and maintain. If you have a cracked block it can throw off the whole appearance of your driveway, so why is it so popular?

What are the advantages of block paving?

The reason that a lot of private driveways are surfaced with block paving is that while the initial investment is comparatively expensive, the blocks will last years, perhaps even decades, without ever being touched. The only way block paving is disturbed is by extreme weather conditions, whereas the cheaper alternatives such as asphalt, tarmacadam or bitumen solution are a lot more likely to be noticeably damaged and stop looking their best after only a few years. This makes block paving a worthwhile investment if you are looking to add long term value to your home. However whichever option you choose, resurfacing your driveway will greatly enhance the overall appearance and kerb appeal of your property.  

Block paving has the added advantage of customisability with the only limits being the range provided by your chosen supplier. So if you’re a fan of everything custom they could be the perfect avenue for you to explore. Tarmacadam on the other hand is fairly standard across the board,  it can be combined with block paving edging stones for a more designer feel if that's something you would like to try. For a minimalist and sleek design tarmacadam and bitmac are hard to beat. There are hundreds of driveways which look absolutely stunning with a properly prepared bitmac or tarmac finish. It is very popular in rural areas where the driveways stretch for many metres at a time, and when it’s done correctly it can give the perfect finishing effect.

Which paving method is the best for me?

For less expansive driveways, especially in suburban areas, block paving can be a great, stylish addition. On our site you can see a few examples of this, including larger houses with block paving which simply looks spectacular. You can check out a few examples here, and if it’s something you’re interested in then get in touch with us. Our case studies are examples of completed jobs with a distinctive and unique finish on every property.

There are many different providers of blocks who we work with and source our materials from, allowing you to have a driveway that is truly your own. Tarmac and bitmac, whilst very popular for domestic driveways, can also be used for industrial and commercial settings. This is naturally because they are cheaper but also very hard wearing. In fact most of the bitmac and tarmacadam sourced now is of a higher quality which means that not only is it more reinforced for the weather, but is also covered for pressure and damage. You can check out our tarmac and bitmac driveways here.

Get in touch with Premier Surfacing to pave your driveways

If you need any extra information about driveways or just paving roads and paths in general check out our blog and main pages which have all the news you could possibly ever need. If you’re simply a fan of designs then have a look through our case studies to see the differences for yourself. Each of our pages has images which you can browse through in order to decide for yourself which driveway style suits your individual style.
Published: February 2022

Thank you for the work you carried out on our driveway, it has totally transformed the appearance of our property. I certainly would not hesitate in recommending premier Surface.

Mr Palmer
Admaston, Telford