Taking Care of Your Tarmac or Asphalt Driveway During Summer

Professional tarmac and asphalt driveways are one of the most popular, reliable and long lasting driveway surfaces available for residential properties. However, the heat of summer can eventually take its toll on these driveway surfaces, because they can be more susceptible to higher temperatures. Tarmac and asphalt’s darker colour means they end up absorbing much more heat. Plus, the oils that are used to make these surface materials, have strong thermal retention qualities as well. This means that when proper maintenance isn’t carried out, hot temperatures can soften and further weaken them. Here's how to make sure these driveway surfaces don’t suffer damage during summer...

Do mechanic work in the morning

If you like to carry out your own mechanic work, and you frequently do this on your driveway, then try to only do this during the coolest parts of the day, such as the mornings. If you try and do things such as brake jobs or oil changes during the peak of the afternoon, not only will you be more uncomfortable because of the heat, your driveway will suffer too. This is because in order to carry out work like this on your car, you’ll need to use a car jack. Although tarmac and asphalt can support several vehicles quite easily, the metal edges of a car jack can dig into driveways when it's hot outside, due to the surface becoming softer. The weight of the whole vehicle will be bearing down on just a few small points, which usually have narrow metal edges. Meaning a stronger force will be exerted on a small area of the driveway. Stick to mechanic work in the morning, or even the evenings, just unsure it’s during the cooler parts of the day.

Cool things down with water

As temperatures soar and the days get longer, it can be difficult to keep the surface of your driveway cool. Whenever you find yourself at home on a sizzling summer day, it’s a good idea to run some water over your tarmac or asphalt driveway. Preferably you should use cool water from your garden hose, as this will be the most effective for dispersing any soaked up heat from your driveway. However, even warm water will be able to absorb heat from the surface. Whenever you run water over your driveway be sure to check for local water restrictions first. You can also help matters by washing your car on your driveway or even letting the little ones play in a paddling pool for example.

Get some greenery growing

Your driveway may have some greenery near it, such as trees or shrubs. If so, consider not trimming them back until after the summer season. These added bits of greenery can help to provide some much needed shade for the surface of your driveway, keeping it cooler. Once the colder days come back, you can then trim them back as normal.

Make sure you seal your driveway

While the weather is nice, it's a really good idea to make sure your driveway is properly sealed. Correct maintenance is essential to making sure the surface of your driveway stays fully protected. Sealing cracks in an asphalt or tarmac driveway is the most effective way to take care of it. Watch the weather forecast and get your driveway sealed when there’s going to be a few dry days in a row, with little to no rainfall, as this will ensure the sealing process works best. There are a few types of sealant you can use such as seal coat, which is made up of an anti-oxidation solution that protects tarmac and asphalt against the elements. It prevents the surfaces from looking worn and can slow the ageing process. Slurry seal is similar, except it contains aggregate. There’s also TRMSS, a more comprehensive, rubber modified surface sealer. This helps to reintroduce much-needed surface oils to the driveway, which may have been lost over time. The oils can help to seal any loose aggregates. Despite their effectiveness, sealants won’t last forever, so it’s still important to carry out regular maintenance to check the surface of your driveway is nice and healthy. Sealants usually need to be re-applied once every few years in order to keep your surface well maintained. At Premier Surfacing, we offer a range of services that can help you to get your ideal driveway. Call us today on 01952840838.
Published: July 2019

Please pass my thanks onto all the men involved with the project of transforming our driveway and patio. They did a fantastic job and ensured that they represented Premier Surfacing with the greatest professionalism.

Mr G Talbot
Edmond, Shropshire