How Your Driveway Design Can Help You Sell Your House

Selling your home can be an extremely exhaustive and stressful process. Of course, all this tension melts away as you finalise the sale of your home, but how do you help speed this process up whilst simultaneously ensuring that you get the price you want for your house?

Well, there are a number of ways that you can increase the value of your home and make it more appealing to potential buyers

Everyone knows the old cliche about how building an extension can add value to your home but it’s a cliche because it’s true! Adding an extra room such as a study or even a conservatory makes your house bigger and you can therefore charge more for it. If there are two very similar houses on a street up for sale but one is bigger, a potential buyer will probably go for that one. Of course, not everyone has the resources to start adding on to their home, but if you have an unused basement or loft, why not convert them into an extra bedroom or living space? This is also a great idea if you cannot get the correct planning permission to add on to your home. The two most important rooms in any home that is up for sale are the bathroom and the kitchen. Buyers focus on these two rooms more than any other. They can make or break a sale! A house could be perfect in every way but have a dismal kitchen/bathroom and it will sit on the market for an age. Conversely, a house that is pretty ordinary but has a stunning bathroom or kitchen is more likely to be snapped up. However, the outside of your home shouldn’t be neglected. Having a spacious garden or a beautiful driveway can really help you sell your home but if you’ve let your garden get dishevelled or your driveway looks tatty, it can work against you. Make sure that your garden looks neat and tidy and there are no random objects strewn about it. When it comes to your driveway, it never hurts to have it repaved or new tarmac put down. Imprinted concrete driveways allow you to be a little bit more creative with your design; giving it a unique look. Your driveway is the first thing potential buyers see when they approach your house and first impressions count. They are made before a foot has stepped through the door, so if your driveway looks shabby, it can have a negative effect on how people view the rest of your house!
Published: April 2017

We’re very happy our new imprinted concrete driveway, the quality of workmanship is second to none and we would not hesitate in recommending Premier Surfacing to all.

Anita Hancock