What Exactly is an Ecological Driveway?


Being environmentally friendly has never been a bigger issue, so it stands to reason that ecological driveways are becoming increasingly popular. Ecological driveways generally consist of permeable paving materials or grassy surfaces. Not only can they save you money, but they can also cut the amount of rainwater that falls off roofs, and runs down harder driveway surfaces. These driveways allow for the absorption of any water runoff and can even help to reduce the chances of minor flooding, eliminating the need to for more drainage. There are several ways to make your driveway more eco friendly; from using permeable porous concrete for a more solid looking surface, to building it from the ground up using recycled aggregates. Here’s some of the more popular examples of eco friendly driveways...

Porous Pavement

As the name suggests, this type of ecological driveway consists of a permeable type of surface material, which also contains a reservoir underneath. This reservoir is able to hold any surface runoff, so that it can then filter into the subsoil. 

This type of driveway can be made up of a cement mix or bricks that can allow water to run through the cracks. Because water is easily absorbed through the surface into the soil, it greatly reduces the chances of any flooding occurring. 

Cellular Paving

Another popular eco friendly option is cellular paving, which is a combination of grass, gravel and plastic. Usually a hexagonal mesh is placed on top of an existing surface to provide an environmentally sustainable protective layer. 

The cellular paving can better retain water, providing an effective microclimate for insect and bird life. Plus, the cells of the mesh can be filled with soil or compost to create a green atmosphere.

Recycled Aggregate Surface

For those who are even more environmentally conscious, there’s always the option to create your driveway surface using recycled aggregates. These re-usable materials can usually be found by visiting building sites and offering to take rubble away for example. Or you can try going to a reclamation site and finding the material you need there. 

Admittedly, it can be time consuming trying to scavenge for materials by yourself, so you could always try getting recycled aggregates from specialist sellers. People tend to use these materials for aesthetic purposes too, which is where resin-based surfacing comes in handy. 

Resin is made of completely eco friendly, non-toxic materials and can work as a perfect sustainable urban drainage system. It can allow you to have the ideal aesthetically pleasing ecological driveway. 

At Premier Surfacing, we have years of industry experience that can be applied to helping you find the ideal driveway. Our staff are happy to answer any questions you have and will be there to help every step of the way. For more information get in touch on 01952 840 838.

Published: July 2019

Please pass my thanks onto all the men involved with the project of transforming our driveway and patio. They did a fantastic job and ensured that they represented Premier Surfacing with the greatest professionalism.

Mr G Talbot
Edmond, Shropshire