A Guide On How To Maintain Your Driveway

A driveway is an important feature of a home because it’s one of the first things that people notice. Having the right material can make a driveway stand out, but it needs to be properly maintained as well. A cracked or dirty surface will ruin the overall appearance of your home, so we’ve put together a guide on how to look after your driveway.

Crack prevention

Cracks can develop over time, but you can prevent them from appearing by sealing concrete and asphalt on an annual basis. Tree roots are a common cause of cracks, so removing trees or trimming roots is a good prevention method.  Water is another cause, as it can penetrate the surface. To avoid this from happening be sure to provide a runoff area around the edges of the driveway. If cracks do appear then you’ll need a masonry chisel and filling equipment. Use the chisel to remove debris and apply the filling compound to the space. After the compound has dried, seal the driveway.

Clean the driveway regularly

It’s important to remove all stains from the driveway, as they can do more than negatively affect its appearance. Fluids like motor oil can penetrate concrete and weaken asphalt. Other substances like grass clippings can fall into cracks and sprout new shoots. This will cause a crack to widen. Sweeping the driveway on a regular basis will ensure all debris is cleared. For the removal of stains, it’s worth researching different products so you don’t run the risk of inadvertently damaging the driveway.

Protect the edges of the driveway

The edges of a driveway are some of the most vulnerable areas and aren’t designed for excessive weight. To avoid damage, it’s a good idea to park your car away from the edges and ensure construction vehicles don’t park on them either.

Be aware of weather conditions

Driveways are constantly exposed to the elements, so you’ll want to take into consideration how you maintain them during different seasons. For example, if snow builds up on the driveway in winter then consider what kind of equipment you’ll use to remove it. For uneven surfaces use a plastic shovel to reduce the risk of it catching on the driveway. If you plan on using a snow plow then make sure to raise the blade and ensure it doesn’t scrape against the surface. In summer, a driveway is likely to be hot, so remember to remove any items that could possibly leave a lasting mark on the surface. At Premier Surfacing, we offer a comprehensive package that involves installing driveways and offering advice on the right kind of material. Get in touch today on 01952 840 838 for more information.
Published: May 2018

We’re very happy our new imprinted concrete driveway, the quality of workmanship is second to none and we would not hesitate in recommending Premier Surfacing to all.

Anita Hancock